Today was bath day for my babies. Meet my Schacht Matchless,
and my Ladybug.
I searched the internet for hours, ignoring my kids and the laundry to find all the info I need to give them the love and attention the deserve. I started by removing the front maiden, flyer and extra whorl off both wheels. I also removed the drive band tension knob off of my Matchless. I wiped everything down with an almost dry cloth to remove dust, fibers and gunk from it. Make sure that you do not use any water-based cleaning products to clean your wheel! At that point if there are any marks, scuffs or build-up on your wheel you can use steel wool, grade 00 to clean it. Using a dry cloth OR a paint brush I applied a liberal amount of Watco Dainish Oil to my wheels. I actually busted out my gun cleaning kit to reach all the crevasses..... but your kiddos water color paint brush, or a Q-tip would work too! I applied the first coat and let it sit for 30 minutes, the wiped it down. I re-applied a second coat, this time letting it sit for 15 minutes before wiping it off. The amazing thing about danish oil is that it penetrates the wood, sealing it from the inside out. DO NOT BE AFRAID!!! This is not like staining wood... you can't screw it up and ruin your finish. It soaks in and what doesn't soak in gets wiped off. For realz.
Next time I do this I will work a little harder at removing my foot prints from my Ladybug treadles.... Another thing I now have and will be using on my wheel treadles is Wood Beams by Goodies Unlimited.
I am so excited with how my wheels look now. They Shine!