Knitter, spinner, weaver, dyer. Wool is my therapy, what's yours?

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Testing Lily Louet

Ok. So I name my looms. And my new Louet Spring is officially named Lily Louet. She has finally gotten herself properly dressed! I choose a short and quick project so that I may get a feel for her. I didn't want to throw on a 12 yard warp and realize 12 picks in that I hate weaving on her.

I choose an 8/2 tencel for an easy undulating twill scarf. I also choose to use only 4 shafts instead of all 8, this being my very first go round with a countermarch loom. I feel the need to understand the process before I try to get crazy with the pattern and shaft combos! Also, the built in raddle? Awesome.
It took me a week after picking her up to get to her, but she is tied on and ready to go.
The rigid heddle also got herself dressed this week in a commissioned project for another Raveler. It is hand dyed sock yarn, fully warped in my 12" AKL. I found the color repeats and warped to produce a faux ikat scarf.
Call me crazy, but I still love weaving on my RH!!!

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Home at last - Louet Spring

She's home!
Our day started at 3:30am as we headed out towards Kansas City to pick this loom up. MapQuest told us that it would be about 5 1/2 hours one way, our journey starting early so we could get home at a decent hour. My monsters are such good travelers, as all of our family lives out of state.
We made great time up there and by 10am we were pulling into the sellers drive. After looking over the Spring and talking with the owner about her history, we had the loom loaded down on the trailer and we were headed home.
The story is, the seller and his first wife had bought the loom to be a floor model for the local yarn shop. She passed away shortly there after and the loom has sat, untouched, in a shed since 1994. Almost 20 years of dust, spiders and crud were upon her. It sounded like the loom may have been used once or twice, but that's it.
My story quickly changes here, on our trip home. We were on the last hour of our trip, 64 miles from home just passed Fayetteville, AR when at 4pm my husband's car broke down. His lost power engine light popped on and in that instant we had nothing. He coasted us to the berm, hit the hazards and got out to look under the hood. There was a POP, and then all the coolant came rushing out of the car. Great. Fun. Yea.
I kid not, we sat on the side of that highway for 2 hours waiting for help. 2 hours. And in those 2 hours, standing on the side of the highway with 2 little boys, not a single car stopped to see if we needed help, a phone or even water. And on top of that, I felt horrible because it was my "need" to have another loom that put us in that position. My awesome friend Sarah came to rescue me and the boys and take us home while my husband waited for the tow truck that was coming.
Unfortunately the story does not end there. And this section is the reason that it is now Wednesday, while we picked the loom up Saturday, and I'm only getting to the writing part now. Those light of stomach and heart, beware.
As we were headed to my house, about a mile from my exit, my friend Sarah (who had picked us up) and I watched a horrific accident unfold in front of us. An SUV lost control and flew into the median, flipping the car twice. At 70mph, we were on them in an instant. As Sarah was slowing the car she said, "you go, I will stay with your boys". I jumped out of her still moving car and crossed the highway to the accident. It was the most awful thing I have ever been witness to and apart of. 5 passengers total, 2 lost there lives. Even as I sit here writing this I am waiting for a Trooper to show up to re-interview me about what happened. I was the first on the scene and apparently I wrote the most clear and concise witness statement they received. I guess all that military training I had kicked in and was put to good use. In this photo I am behind the vehicle on the passenger side explaining the injuries of the woman inside, to the medic who had just arrived.
I was on the scene so long, that my husband who had to stay behind to wait for the tow truck, was 4 minutes behind me getting home.
And home we finally were.
Bright and early Sunday morning we pulled the loom off of the trailer and into the garage.
 She was filthy! Let me show you,

Yikes. Cleanup took me a few hours with warm water and a little Murphy's oil soap. I also pulled off all the heddles and tieups and washed them in some dawn soap in the sink.
The bars of the shafts and the lamms are not lacquered like the rest of the loom. I pulled out my good old Wood Beams and wiped them down. Boy oh boy, did they drink that up!
My new & sweet Lily Louet is ready for her first warp. She has found her place next to my baby wolf, for now.

Happy hump day everyone, and wear your seatbelts.

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Olly olly oxen free!

I may have bought another loom. May Have.
But have you seen my baby???

And therein lies the problem. Either the new loom has to go, or my Cherry Baby Wolf. :( The decision will be made once I "test drive" the new loom for about a month. Heaven help me.

Sunday, August 11, 2013

Sock it to me!

Have I mentioned how much I love weaving on a rigid heddle with sock yarn? A ton. Right after I bought my first floor loom I sold my Ashford Knitter's loom (AKL). I had actually thought that once I start weaving on a "big girl" loom, aka a floor loom, that I would never want to revisit my slooooow weaving RH. A month or two without that little AKL and I quickly realized I had made a big mistake! I love making scarves out of wacky variegated knitting yarn.
This little beauty was dyed by a Ravelry buddy, Azlynn of Dyelectable Yarns, and is an 80/10/10 MCN blend. The colorway name is roadkill. The image of roadkill isn't all that beautiful, but this skein sure is.
I decided to pair it with some Sanguine Gryphon Skinny Bugga (also 80/10/10 MCN) in Grey Scalloped Bar Butterfly.
The result is stunning although I am only 1/4 of the way into it.
My cats loved it too. I left to go to the store, and when I returned home the caked skein that was waiting to become the weft looked like this.....
I almost cried. I did yell. I was tempted to throw it away. But with some encouragement I sat down and untangled it myself. Only after I contacted some of the fabulous women in the Knot a Problem group on Rav. These women love to untangle yarn, and will do it for others. More power to them. I'd rather knot do it ever again ;)

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

A very productive weekend

Well this was supposed to be posted yesterday, but I was incapable of typing this and listening to my audio book. Apparently I cannot do both at the same time. Who knew?
A productive weekend it was though. I decided it was time to find something to hang my warping board on instead of just laying it on my table. I found these square closetmaid hooks at wallyworld.

Since these will be in my dining room, I didn't want to attach the board directly to wall!
Fits my 12 yard and 4.5 yard boards perfectly!
I also finished a scarf on my 15"Schacht Flip RH. This warp was knitting sock yarn in a SW merino. Hemstitched both ends.


The baby wolf was also warped, and back to front for the first time!!!! It went very well with few issues, and I plan to warp that way most of the time now. Yeah me! No pictures of that though, it is a super secret Christmas gift.
Happy Weaving :) 


Saturday, August 3, 2013

Hello? :tap tap tap on microphone:

Weave, weave, weave me the sunshine
outta the fallin’ rain!
Weave me the hope of a new tomorrow
an’ fill my cup again!

I decided to start a blog for me, to catalog my weaving adventures (and misadventures). Forgive me now for my inconsistency, misspelled words and poor grammar. I shall try harder! Design and layout may change too, is it making you sea sick yet?

Missy aka Wool Therapy