Knitter, spinner, weaver, dyer. Wool is my therapy, what's yours?

Thursday, September 26, 2013

A towel a day keeps the..........

I recently bought a hand dyed warp from a fabulous lady I found on Facebook (don't ask me how) and started following her group. Yes, I am aware that I could do it myself, but what fun is that? Not to mention the fact that I love to support the fiber community!
The color is bold rainbow
The warps come in standard sizes, lengths and widths. This one is 8/2 cotton 7.5 yards with 400 threads. I decided to make kitchen towels
The first draft I picked didn't work out so well.  It was Huck Lace diamonds, and to get the diamonds in an even shape, I had to beat VERY lightly. Too lightly for towels I thought. So I cut out almost 15" of weaving and started over. I did not want to have to rethread 400 heddles so I started playing with weaving software. I changed the tie-up to that of draft  in the same book and changed the treadling some.
I will probably change the treadling again for a towel or two, but I love these so far.

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Click lights!

My fantastic Louet Spring has an awesome built in tool shelf on top,
 but said tool shelf can block the light where I am working. I thought about using a clip on light, but that would need an outlet to plug the light into. So, after a quick trip to lowes my hubby and I came up with this!
Magnetic mounted click lights. There is a sticky back with a metal piece on one side which I attached to the underside of the tool shelf. Then the click light has a magnet on it. It is battery operated and has 2 light settings.
Works perfect! And no cord running across my floor :)

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Bexell Cranbrook - a dining room table replacement

Guess What? I have a new loom!
A thread started on Ravelry about 2 months ago in the warped weavers group concerning a loom on craigslist. The poster was asking for thoughts and opinions on the loom. It was a 60" Cranbrook made by Bexell and my heart dreamily fluttered as I wished that someday I could own a Cranbrook. I mentioned it to my husband and I got the big old stink eye....
Well, a few days later I sent a message to the craigslist poster asking if it was still available. It was and I proceeded with an epic yarn destash. Scott (my husband) said if I could acquire the funds, he wouldn't gripe to much. I put almost my entire stash up forsale on ravelry, and within 3 days I had every penny I need to buy it. It was on like donkey kong! The seller asked if I would hold off picking it up so she could finish her rug that was currently on it.

The fantastic woman I was buying the loom from loved tapestry weaving and weaving Navajo rugs. These are both hers!

We did a lot of talking and I found out that she was the original owner of the loom, purchased in 1977. Within all of the paper work she passed on to me was the original purchase order and manual.
Tear down went quick and we were off! It was about an 8 hour journey one way, and the boys did great as always. We had that baby wrapped up like a burrito on a 5x9 trailer. I spent the next day washing it as well as rubbing it down with wood beams. Putting it back together was a snap, and I did it all by myself! Seriously, was not able to be patient enough to wait for hubbo to get home. Nope.
This Cranbrook has replaced my dining room table, so now I officially have a loom room.
Pre loom with table (not used for dining)
Loom room set up

Official details - Bexell Cranbrook J60 4H/10T made in 1977

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

And were off!!!

I wove. I unwove. I wove. I unwove. 4 times. I just couldn't find a weft color that I was happy with! I started with gold, and together they were great, but the gold over powered the purple in this pattern.
Not to mention the fact that I was trying to get used to the new loom. Picks were wonky and uneven. I was really surprised how much heavier the beater is compared to my Baby Wolf.
Then I tried Silver,
Still not happy. I also tried a light blue, but pulled that out too.
I decided to try color on color and use the purple for weft as well. I wasn't sure about it at first, but I like it. Once it is off the loom, wash and pressed, I think it will be fabulous.
Also, I love this loom. Love it.